安装英特尔 13.0 测试版时附带的 os.dmg 被替换为 M1 相同测试版恢复文件附带的文件。
原因是前者(大约 1.5 GB)不再包含在不理解 AVX2 指令的早期英特尔处理器上运行所需的代码。而 M1 (约 4.2 GB)恰好包含此代码。
详细介绍了如何从 M1 恢复文件中获取 os.dmg。
整个 os.dmg 有点大(4.2 GB),但这是我为获取它所做的。也许对你来说太详细了,但无论如何,也是对我自己的提醒。
- 在https://developer.apple.com中,帐户 -> 登录。
- 单击左侧栏中的下载。
- 向下滚动到 macOS 13 beta1-8,然后单击带有 Apple 芯片的 Mac 计算机。下载大小约 12 GB。
然后在该线程的第 1 篇文章中:
- 将下载的文件从 .ipsw 重命名为 .zip 并展开它。
- 在文件夹中,将大小为 4.xx GB 的文件重命名为 os.dmg,您可以删除所有其他文件。
- 将 os.dmg 放在 ventura 目标磁盘的 Preboot 中,类似于图片显示的终端输出。
这对我有用,但正如我所说,到目前为止用途非常有限,这只是为了验证我已经了解非 AVX 治疗。
Option 1:
1. You'll want to get macOS Ventura installed on a Haswell+ machine. Once you reach the desktop, reboot to the recovery environment.
2. From the recovery, you can open up a terminal window and mount the fresh install's preboot volume (diskutil list, diskutil mount disk#s#)
4. Run an ls command here, and you should see the os.dmg file
5. Now run a cp command and replace the Preboot's os.dmg with the M1 os.dmg (should be on your USB drive)
6. Shut down your Haswell+ Mac and swap the Ventura drive into your cMP. Ventura should now boot!
Option 2:
1. You'll want to get Ventura "installed" onto your CMP. macOS will eventually stall at a point during the verbose portion of the first "installed" boot.
2. Once macOS stalls, reboot and ensure that macOS is still stalled.
4. From the recovery, you can open up a terminal window and mount the fresh install's preboot volume (diskutil list, diskutil mount disk#s#)
5. Once you get the preboot mounted, you'll want to navigate to /Volumes/Preboot/Long-UUID(check this using ls)/cryptex1/current/
6. Run an ls command here, and you should see the os.dmg file
7. Now run a cp command and replace the Preboot's os.dmg with the M1 os.dmg (should be on your USB drive)
8. Once that's done, reboot your machine and Ventura should boot to either a loading bar at ~60% with a cursor or a grey screen with a beachball.
9. Now you'll need to remove the Ventura drive from your cMP and install it/boot from it in another mac that is Ivy Bridge+.
正式版1.0 10.4号发布
-cryptoff(或-liluoff)禁用-cryptdbg(或-liludbgall)启用详细日志记录(在 DEBUG 版本中)-cryptbeta(或-lilubetaall)在 13 之后的 macOS 上启用-crypt_allow_hash_validation禁用 APFS.kext 补丁-crypt_force_avx在 AVX2.0 系统上强制安装 Rosetta Cryptex