各位大佬,我的电脑为pixelbook go,这两天尝试装一下黑苹果,却一直卡在安装的第13分钟,安装日志报这样的错,不知道怎么解决,请各位大佬帮忙看看。Air osinstallersetupd t1911: Syncing extracted data to disk
-Air osinstallersetupd(191l: Ignoring BOM<-»filesystem mismatches due to security settings.
-Air osinstallersetupd [1911: personalizatiom 1s not required for the runming system
-Air osinstallersetupd (191]: OSISDownloadOperation: No IAL update found.
-Air osinstallersetupd [191l: Unable to get fs for /Volumes/MACOS/macOS Install Data
-Air osinstallersetupd(191]: Unable to get fs for /Volumes/MACOS/macOS Install Data
-Air osinstallersetupd (1911: Unable to get ts for /volumes/NACoS/macos Install Data